Monday, September 12, 2011

Skydive: CHECK!

It's really hard to put words to the whirpool of emotions we've gone through this weekend in anticipation of and during the actual dive. It will suffice to say that he LOVED every minute of it, was cool as a cucumber, and wants to do it again. (Oh my gosh?!!!!!) We, Ella and I were overly excited for him but also scared  of course. I had a tension headache (never get those any more) the whole day but I'm very proud of his crazy courage and the way he seized this amazingly unique experience. Because of how he handled this first flight, they gave him a pass/certification for the next tandem level where you can pull the shute yourself. That only means that he's going back to do it again (Oh my gosh??!!!!) So I just have to brace myself and with mixed feelings continue to support this crazy brave, awesome man I married!

"Before" and "After" montaj! :)

The lady who took the pictures and video while they were diving was pretty cool. They kept talking and laughing the whole time. It really kills the nerves, I think. She did a great job with the aerial pictures. His tandem instructor was amazing! Very nice guy. Really happy that he had such a great experience!

This is my favorite because I think it required the most amount of guts and/nuttiness to JUMP:

And then the ACTUAL JUMP:

Ella kept telling him how proud she was of him, how well he did and .... hang on to your chairs now: that SHE WANTS TO DO IT TOO! Last night she was practising the free fall body position on the floor, just like she saw them do in training. And they made a date: when she turns 18 (that's the age you can start jumping at) she will jump with dady.  I am really hoping that she will walk out of it eventually! :)

(One of our huddles while Hrishi was getting ready!)


  1. Si eu as vrea, sau cel putin vroiam mult inainte sa am copii, acum ma mai gandesc, dar tot mi se pare ceva super distractiv :)
    Bravo sotului tau pentru curaj! Succes cu Ella in viitor :)!

  2. Oh, Cristina! As fi murit sa-l vad acolo sus!!!! dar Bravo lui!!! Si Ella, o sa mai vedem in 13 ani!:) Super pozele!!!


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