Wednesday, July 3, 2013

We love summer

How can you not when you're only 45 minutes away from the beach? Don't mind the heat much, nor the humidity, we love the sunny hot days. So last Sunday after church, we packed our beach bags, cooler, and headed out to Galveston. We had a great time. First stop was Palm Beach at Moody Gardens. Ella had a blast on the lazy river, water slides, and playing in the sand. We were there for quite a while with no time left to stop by Stewart Beach, our regular beach stop-over.

At the water dump!!

Next was the Galveston Historical Pier. The sunset and breeze were wonderful. We didn't get to hang out there for too long but long enough to take a bike ride and enjoy the sunset. We are going back soon, that's for sure.

 Otherwise, we've been developing a new family pastime: golfing, well don't (yet) go golfing together but we do go to the driving range together.

Ella's getting quite good. She has a nice long and straight driver, and doing well with her irons too. I am a "phenomena." Ha, ha! I've been hitting straight and long balls like there's nobody's business.

While I enjoy this newly found hobby, my favorite part is still to watch these two swing side by side.

(Hello "triceps-eratops",he-he!)

With the Master.

And speaking of Master's, Rishi won 2nd place at The Houston Postal Customer Council Tournament just a couple of weeks back. Here is his very shinny plaque. We are so proud of him.

Somebody's starting to like and take "selfies." :)

How Ella imagines her baptismal day. She gave a beautiful talk in Primary on Baptism this past Sunday. She did such an excellent job!!

My newly discovered culinary love: baked/roasted butternut squash.

Oil painting on canvas. Not too shabby for a first time. But oil is so hard to paint with. Next time, I'll have her use acrylic.

Beautiful and creative artist!!!

At the Funplex with her school friend.

The traditional after-church picture. She is wearing an old old chocker of mine. She was quite pleased to receive compliments because of it.

This is another delectable Hrishi has made for lunch on Sunday: clams!! He is the chef, I tell ya'! They were delicious and packed with goodness (and veggies.)

And life wouldn't be complete without Remi. We love him more and more every day.


  1. Summer is the best! Glad to see you are having so much fun!

  2. Super frumos! YAY for summer!!! :)


October Birthday!

Ella turns 12!!!!! Lots of milestones: graduated from Primary, moved into Young Women's, got her temple recommend. She is such an a...