Friday, November 2, 2012

Blast from the past and a tender one

My awesomely hard -working, amazingly wonderful husband (I really mean it!!) continued the tedious but necessary project of transferring our storage belongings from cardboard boxes into plastic ones to avoid the toll humidity can further have on stuff you've stored in a garage for over six months now.

He is amazingly patient, my Rishi.

Ella and I would come out once in a while to help sort through things or get in the way! And while we were sorting through some things we ran across old pictures. I pulled out a few that caught my eye.


Fun and oh so different....

Here is a very pregnant me at the driving range in Atlanta:
Then I found some old clothes... and boy that was something!!

From size 16...

(I's hard sometimes to see those pictures and remember myself the way I lived for most of my life....very overweight. Hard to believe that this is the same person. And in so many ways, it is not.)

All in all we had a great day: all three stayed home, Rishi and I on vacation and poor Ella out of school still sick. But we made some nice memories together cleaning up, resting a bit, and hanging out together.
This last one brings back some very sweet tender memories, a little MOTHERHOOD moment:


  1. Oh, I LOVE this post! I too love going down the memory lane from time to time. I love seeing the progress I've made. You look great, but the way! :) And that last picture is justprecious!

  2. Ce frumos ca ai pus poze din trecut. Si ce schimbari minunate ai facut in viata ta. Esti o a inspiratie. Keep up the good work. Cute school picture of Ella too. She's beautiful! Na, ca am luat-o pe engleza. haha


October Birthday!

Ella turns 12!!!!! Lots of milestones: graduated from Primary, moved into Young Women's, got her temple recommend. She is such an a...