Tuesday, December 13, 2011

An artist in the making

Mamaie and tataie are absolutely convinced Ella has a future in the art business. They suggested that we figure out how to  feature her in an art exhibit. That'd be great, however I don't know anything about kids' art and how you'd go about doing that, since Ella is not yet part of an art or drawing club. And while I don't know about a future in the art business, I do love her creativity and talent spilling in all her drawings, coloring, cutting and pasting, etc. Enjoy!! :)

Love in the Animalia Kingdom:

Flowers, more animals, and a ... turkey cake:

All, by the one and only Ella Karekar....


  1. She is VERY talented!!! You can submit some of her work to the Friend. Also, at our school they have (once a year) a drawing competition-maybe her school does that too. Other than that, I have no idea how or where to enter stuff like that. Either way she is awesome!!! Pupici!

  2. Imi place mult ce frumos deseaneaza ea animalele. Nu iti cere sa ii iei animale? Nici eu nu stiu despre unde sa puna arta. Sa o inscrii la un club insa.


October Birthday!

Ella turns 12!!!!! Lots of milestones: graduated from Primary, moved into Young Women's, got her temple recommend. She is such an a...