Monday, July 18, 2011

What is love?

Love is smelling your little one's hair or breath and feeling like you're on top of the world.

Love is snuggling together as a family on a lazy Saturday afternoon.

Love is telling and being told "I love you" or "I'm so proud of you!" or "You are wonderful!" or "So happy to have you in our family!"

Love is making dinner together, or singing together.

Love is doing each other's hair.

Love is giving backrubs until  when you feel like your hand or arm is going to fall off.

Love is reading or talking together before bedtime.

Love is bearing testimony of the small miracles you witness every day in the details of life.

Love is taking your time to hug and talk even when you're late getting out the door for work and school.

Love is when you want to share all this and more with another soul: we have started on our path to become foster-to-adop parents. It's not a quick or easy process to get to the point where we can actually welcome a new child into our home but we look forward to that day with much joy and excitment. Since we have made this decision, I have spent many hours reading and learing about how many children out there (all ages) long for a loving and safe place they can call home. Children who long for stability and permanency. Children who long to have someone who cares about them,  about what they do, what they think, and what they dream of. Children who long to love and be loved. It has soften my heart and entire being and made me realize how much more I (we) can give this world. And although we are just at the beginning of this journey, I want to document it and mark it here in our family history as I know it will change our lives forever. For us it is the answer to prayers for opportunities to give more of ourselves, to serve, to make a difference. I often pictured us going out and getting involved in a lot of community service but how? and most importantly, when? as family life as it is, keeps us busy and involved. But soon had my answer that this was a way to do just that. And in mind, it is more than service, it is service with love, a parent-to-child love and vice versa.

... Love is splashing together in the kitty pool in the backyard on a scorching HOT Sunday afternoon.

Love is simple... .


  1. Mi-a placut asa mult ce ai scris, Cristina! Foarte frumoasa descriere a dragostei. Mult succes va doresc cu adoptia si ma bucur mult ca va ganditi la asta!
    Te pup!

  2. Are you thinking of becoming a foster family? I really admire you! I, on the other hand, seem to be taking forever to decide to adopt a baby...

  3. That child will be incredibly blessed to join your family! You are both amazing parents! I hope your journey will be quick and "easy"! I'm so excited to hear more and hopefully see your new addition soon! You are AMAZING!


October Birthday!

Ella turns 12!!!!! Lots of milestones: graduated from Primary, moved into Young Women's, got her temple recommend. She is such an a...