While perusing on http://www.lds.org/ like I do every day, today I again noticed the invitation to create a profile at http://mormon.org/ I checked it out-- really neat site and the whole profile thing. Tons of LDS folks get to post their thoughts and testimony of the Church. I read a few profiles and it was very interesting to see all the different experiences (and insights) brothers and sisters all over the world have with the Restored Gospel. I even found something funny in one of the profiles, a pretty cool parallel between our cell phones and scriptures.
I wonder what would happen if we treated our scriptures like we treat our cell phones? What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets?
What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?
What if we flipped through it several times a day?
What if we spent an hour or more using it every day?
What if we used it to receive messages?
What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it?
What if we gave it to other kids as gifts?
What if we used it as we traveled? What if we used it in case of an emergency?
Unlike our cell phones:
One Plan does fit all.
Unlimited usage. No roaming charges.
You always have reception.
You can use it in the mountains and in a tunnel.
It's free with no hidden costs,
AND you don't ever have to worry your scriptures being disconnected because CHRIST has already paid the bill!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Books and Piano
Love to read around here and we recently discovered the Madeline book series by Ludwig Bemelmans. I probably like them as much as Dr. Seuss, not sure about Ella yet but they're great for introducing new vocabulary and some French (and Spanish) words here and there. We read this one last night. It made me reminisce of the days I used to speak pretty good French... "Quels bons moments.."
And Ella started piano lessons. She had her first lesson with Ms. Bell last night. I think we're off to a good start. I'll keep my fingers crossed as we'd really love her to learn to play at least one musical instrument, she's excited so far and wants to practice.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
A style of our own
Modesty was never an issue around here and I hope won't be for a loooong time (or better yet, never.) But I realize it's just me hoping and when those teenage years will hit or even before that, we'll encounter some challenges or questions or pleadings to wear one thing or another that is cool or fashionable and worn by best friends, just because there is so much peer pressure from the world around us.
Just recently we had some conversations on what is modest and what is not, as sweet Ella was begging for a two-piece swim suit. At first I thought there was no harm in it, and truly it is not, not in the wearing of it per se. And I am grateful for my hubby for helping with this decision when he came down with a definite "NO." No midrif exposure and that was it. And I'm so happy he said that. As I had reasoned this one in my head, I concluded that if I allowed or encouraged a certain type of dress standard now, it'd be much harder to change or waiver from it later. And this goes both ways, if two-piece swim suit is ok now, why shouldn't be ok later? If I am wearing sleeved shirts, t-shirts, knee-length skirts, dresses, and shorts now, why should I change that later? In fact, it'll be much easier to stick to the latter if we made this decision early on.
So we found the perfect cute little swim suit that covers the mid-rif yet is fun and fashionable!!!! Ella was happy with it, needless to say.
This is more for me to remember that I need to stick to my guns and not give in--laying the right foundation NOW and building upon it in the coming years, will hopefully help avoid confusion, heartache, frustration and whatever else that is not good. I love this article.
Just recently we had some conversations on what is modest and what is not, as sweet Ella was begging for a two-piece swim suit. At first I thought there was no harm in it, and truly it is not, not in the wearing of it per se. And I am grateful for my hubby for helping with this decision when he came down with a definite "NO." No midrif exposure and that was it. And I'm so happy he said that. As I had reasoned this one in my head, I concluded that if I allowed or encouraged a certain type of dress standard now, it'd be much harder to change or waiver from it later. And this goes both ways, if two-piece swim suit is ok now, why shouldn't be ok later? If I am wearing sleeved shirts, t-shirts, knee-length skirts, dresses, and shorts now, why should I change that later? In fact, it'll be much easier to stick to the latter if we made this decision early on.
So we found the perfect cute little swim suit that covers the mid-rif yet is fun and fashionable!!!! Ella was happy with it, needless to say.
This is more for me to remember that I need to stick to my guns and not give in--laying the right foundation NOW and building upon it in the coming years, will hopefully help avoid confusion, heartache, frustration and whatever else that is not good. I love this article.
Friday, July 16, 2010
This comes as a sequel to my prior post. I am so very grateful to inspired loving leaders of our Church, prophets of God indeed who are so aware of our needs and speak such powerful and uplifting words of deep encouragement and love. This is one of those messages:
Motherhood: An Eternal Partnership with God: Elder Jeffrey R. Holland shares an encouraging tribute to mothers who, through both challenges and accomplishments, work in partnership with God to raise His children.
The work of a mother is hard, too often unheralded work. Please know that it is worth it then, now, and forever.
One young mother wrote to me recently that she felt like the world expected her to teach her children reading, writing, interior design, Latin, calculus, and the Internet—all before the baby said something terribly ordinary, like “goo goo.” She worried because she felt she didn’t measure up or somehow wasn’t going to be able to be equal to the task, the mental investment, the spiritual and emotional exertion, the long-night, long-day, stretched-to-the-limit demands that sometimes are required in trying to be and wanting to be the mother God hopes she will be.
But one thing, she said, keeps her going. I quote: “Through the thick and the thin of this, and through the occasional tears of it all, I know deep down inside I am doing God’s work. I know that my motherhood is an eternal partnership with Him.”
Mothers, cherish that role that is so uniquely yours and for which heaven itself sends angels to watch over you and your little ones. Yours is the work of salvation, and therefore you will be magnified, compensated, made more than you are, better than you are, and better than you have ever been. And if, for whatever reason, you are making this courageous effort alone, without your husband at your side, then our prayers will be all the greater for you. Know that in faith things will be made right in spite of you, or more correctly, because of you. We thank all of you, and tell you there is nothing more important in this world than participating so directly in the work and glory of God.
May I say to mothers collectively, in the name of the Lord, you are magnificent. You are doing terrifically well. The very fact that you have been given such a responsibility is everlasting evidence of the trust your Father in Heaven has in you. He is blessing you and He will bless you, even—no, especially—when your days and your nights may be the most challenging. Rely on Him. Rely on Him heavily. Rely on Him forever. And “press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope.”
I want my sweet daughter to know that motherhood is the most important calling she will ever have, the hardest yet the most rewarding job she'll ever get.
I know you will make a great mommy dear Ella, as I see how you care for your animal baby toys. I love you and I hope to give you the best motherhood heritage that I can. Thank you sweetheart for being so wonderful!
Motherhood: An Eternal Partnership with God: Elder Jeffrey R. Holland shares an encouraging tribute to mothers who, through both challenges and accomplishments, work in partnership with God to raise His children.
The work of a mother is hard, too often unheralded work. Please know that it is worth it then, now, and forever.
One young mother wrote to me recently that she felt like the world expected her to teach her children reading, writing, interior design, Latin, calculus, and the Internet—all before the baby said something terribly ordinary, like “goo goo.” She worried because she felt she didn’t measure up or somehow wasn’t going to be able to be equal to the task, the mental investment, the spiritual and emotional exertion, the long-night, long-day, stretched-to-the-limit demands that sometimes are required in trying to be and wanting to be the mother God hopes she will be.
But one thing, she said, keeps her going. I quote: “Through the thick and the thin of this, and through the occasional tears of it all, I know deep down inside I am doing God’s work. I know that my motherhood is an eternal partnership with Him.”
Mothers, cherish that role that is so uniquely yours and for which heaven itself sends angels to watch over you and your little ones. Yours is the work of salvation, and therefore you will be magnified, compensated, made more than you are, better than you are, and better than you have ever been. And if, for whatever reason, you are making this courageous effort alone, without your husband at your side, then our prayers will be all the greater for you. Know that in faith things will be made right in spite of you, or more correctly, because of you. We thank all of you, and tell you there is nothing more important in this world than participating so directly in the work and glory of God.
May I say to mothers collectively, in the name of the Lord, you are magnificent. You are doing terrifically well. The very fact that you have been given such a responsibility is everlasting evidence of the trust your Father in Heaven has in you. He is blessing you and He will bless you, even—no, especially—when your days and your nights may be the most challenging. Rely on Him. Rely on Him heavily. Rely on Him forever. And “press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope.”
I want my sweet daughter to know that motherhood is the most important calling she will ever have, the hardest yet the most rewarding job she'll ever get.
I know you will make a great mommy dear Ella, as I see how you care for your animal baby toys. I love you and I hope to give you the best motherhood heritage that I can. Thank you sweetheart for being so wonderful!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Life and Beach trip
've been thinking of all the different things I have to do as a mother and a person and to be honest many times I feel overwhelmed with meal preparations for the next school day (those darn allergies), dinner making, laundry, house cleaning, unorganized closets, undone exercise, undone scripture study, and the list of "undone" continues.... . With a full-time job outside the home, these appear (at least to me) even more daunting as I almost always find myself running out of time to do this or that, or am too tired to do it altogether. But a couple of days back it struck me: THIS IS IT! This the time, my time, our time as a family to go through it all, easy or hard - this is our life and our work and our family and I'm going to choose to enjoy it rather than feel overwhelmed because of it... just as the scripture in Alma 34: 32 says: "this life is the time for men (and women and children) to prepare to meet God." And I made a very personal resolution to prepare with a happy heart and to try to ignore the tiredeness or frustration that comes with living in our world, to just soak in the happy moments because there are truly lots of those. (Also I have to admit that I actually enjoy cooking very much, it's just the menu planning that stresses me out sometimes.)
So here's to happy moments, to life!
She drew her first hop scotch herself...
Sidewalk art
New sleeping bag (she camped in our bedroom)
Showcasing presents from grandma
Morning walk
At the gym
Feeding cute creatures
More cute creatures
Getting ready for bed
Speaking of happy moments, we had a great time on our little weekend getaway to Houston and Galveston. I got to see the beach for the first time in many many years (probably 15?) and Ella love it all! We got to hang out with our dear friends Anuja and Kalpak (whom we'll dearly miss as they're moving overseas...), play in the sand and ride the waves at Stewart beach, and just have a good time relaxing and not thinking of anything much. I love those kind of trips. We even ventured to eat out at Chili's as they had a allergy free menu for Ella's needs. Luckily (we thank God for it) there were no surprises, that is no cross-contamination and she was able to enjoy her fajitas and steamed brocolli. Being at the beach reminded me of childhood vacations my parents and I used to go on to Venus, Mamaia, Saturn, Olimp, all beach resorts on the Black Sea. Great times! We'll be coming back, Galveston!
We're in heaven!
"Spa" treatment coming up: are you ready?
Where is the rest of my legs????
Market Place in The Woodlands
We will miss you...
Vicarious fishing
Friday, July 2, 2010
Red, White, and Blue
We love 4th of July around here! Can't wait to fire up the grill, cook yummy (and hearty) breakfasts (this year we'll make "patriotic" French American toast but instead of the pie fillings recommended in the recipe, we'll add fresh fruit), sleep in (well, this one hasn't happened in years and I don't think it will anytime soon. Ella tends to wake up way too early on weekends (and of course, wants to sleep in during week days.) And let's not forget the fireworks. I think we'll go watch the local ones this year just because of the convenience.
And I just got back from Ella's red, white, and blue parade, a 4th of July event they do at Primrose. Let the festivities begin! The kids looked so cute with their patriotic (hand made) paraphenelia. They marched on patriotic tunes in the school parking lot to the parents' delight and flashing cameras. It was great to catch the spirit! I just love all the fun activities they have.
Ella's creations on the newly acquired easel. She loves pretending to be Ms Ashley (her pre-k teacher.)
And she's been also enjoying her new playset... honestly I love that thing too! As someone who played dolls until her 7th grade, I'm not surprised I'm still attacted to those kind of very very cute things. All her soft toys got to try the playpen, stroller, playmat, and swing, aside from her new doll (whom she named Lulu) that came with the set.Thursday, July 1, 2010
Father's Day
Love, strength, faith, energy, power, courage, gentleness, relentless work, teaching, coaching are just some of the things that a father brings to the tapestry of family life. These are some of the things that the father of our home brings in. We love him and appreciate him more than words can say. So we treated him nice with a scrumptous dinner and a golf "pass" since he loves playing this sport.
(His very cheesy smile! Holding his Father's Day gift from Ella and me.)
(Hi love!)
I'm grateful for my father too for his love and his goodness in rearing me and leading our family. I am who I am today because of him (and my mom, of course.) His faith and charity have made a long-lasting impression on me that I hope to carry on and emulate in my own life always.
I'm grateful for my maternal grandfather (Ella's bunic) who along with my now passed-on sweet grandmother, have made my childhood years so special, especially our summer vacations at Pitesti, who has taught and encouraged us (myself and my cousin) to be the best that we can.
I'm grateful for my paternal grandfather who is now beyond the veil but who has been such a great influence in my life. I will always remember the time spent with him and grandma at Baicoi, his example of hard work, tremendous physical strength, complimented by a soft heart. (Picture to come soon.)
I'm grateful for my father-in-law too for his love for us, for Ella, his care and patience, and his example of faith. For raising my husband into the man that he is today, for inspiring and driving him to reach out for the stars.
On Sunday, we took a few moments to honor our fathers and grandfathers and we sang the "Fathers" song in the Primary Songbook, and took turns sharing one or two things we love about our fathers and grandfathers. It was a sweet moment and a new family tradition.
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October Birthday!
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