Thursday, May 22, 2014

Be still my heart and hold on tight

Nataly will not be in our care for much longer. Part of her family from her father's side is very happy and committed to take her in their care. If CPS finds everything okay with the father's family (background checks and home study, etc.) she will be going to live with them soon. That is the law and the judge is very keen on having Nataly go live with family. I hope we still have a couple of weeks at least with her.

My heart is breaking, tearing up, eyes welling up with tears but my heart is also hopeful that Nataly will be fine, will be loved and cared for. I have faith that He will bless her always because she is so special and she is His daughter. She will always have this very very special place in our hearts and minds and will always be part of prayers. And I also hope that somehow we can still be part of her life, at least get updates on her once in a while and send her gifts. Oh boy, this is very very hard. 

This man's heart is also broken.... he loves her so so very much and is giving her the very best that he has, such a great father to her. 

And how she loves him!!


  1. O, Cristina, nici nu pot sa-mi imaginez durerea voastra! Daca mie mi se rupe inima doar citind... dar voua ca treceti prin asta. Fii tare! Ne vom ruga pentru voi! Pupici!

  2. Oh, ce trist! Nu imi vine sa cred. Draga mea, ma rog pentru voi toti si pentru ea si cum ai zis si tu sper sa puteti avea o relatie cu ea mereu. Este o papusa. Va pup si sa va binecuvinteze Domnul in toate. Imi pare tare rau sa citesc vestea asta. Te pup!


October Birthday!

Ella turns 12!!!!! Lots of milestones: graduated from Primary, moved into Young Women's, got her temple recommend. She is such an a...