Sunday, October 2, 2011

Tender mercies

This week our family was tried, and quite heavily. My dad, tataie, had a life-threatening gastro-intenstinal hemmorage and was on the brink of passing on the other side. I can't describe the unsettling feelings of anxiety and fear, and the many fervent prayers that went up in his behalf over the past couple of days. He is progressing well but still needs a lot of prayers and comfort. I can only imagine what my poor mom went through. She is so wonderful and strong and so is he. He truly fought for his life. It just feels like nothing will be the same having gone through this experience. Traveling plans have slightly changed now. We will have them with us in November instead of this next Wednesday when they were initially scheduled to fly in. Unfortunately they will miss Ella's birthday and Halloween and other fun things we had planned throughout the month. But we are grateful they will be with us and we'll plan more fun activities for when they're here. I am just grateful he is with us. This, coupled with my intermitent sinus issues from last week have thrown me for a loop. I am left to ponder on the fragility of life. I just want to say how grateful I am for a loving Heavenly Father who watches and doesn't forsake his children. He for sure has not forsaken my daddy. I am grateful for a Father who hears and listens to prayer, a Father who is forever patient and loving. (He showed so much love to Ella by allowing her to have an easy strepthroat episode in that she only had one day of fever and is almost back to her normal and chirpy self.) And I am grateful for His Son who made is all possible for us to be healed of physical and spiritual infirmities and get a second chance.

I am grateful for my wonderfully loving daughter and husband who have been so supportive through all this. Their sweet and sincere prayers have sure been heard. The few conference talks I tuned in were wonderful, and I thank thee, dear Father for such inspired and wonderful prophets. Now I just need to get well and back into my groove before life gets ahead of me.


  1. Cristina, imi pare asa rau de ce s-a intamplat cu tatal tau. Nu imi vine sa cred ca a trecut prin asta. Ma bucur ca totul e bine acum. Intr-adevar Tatal Ceresc ne asculta si ne raspunde la rugaciuni. E o binecuvantare extraordinara sa stim asta. Urarile mele de bine pentru familia ta, in special pentru tatal tau.

  2. Imi dau seama ce spaima ai avut cand ai auzit asa stiri de acasa. Dar ma bucur ca tatal tau e mai bine acum si noi o sa ne rugam pentru el si mama ta ca sa-i puteti vedea cu bine in Noiembrie. Te pup:)

  3. Draga Cristina, ce sperietura mare! Ma bucur mult ca e bine acum. Cu siguranta voi toti sunteti in rugaciunile noastre acum. Si noi speram din toata inima sa va revedeti cu bine luna viitoare. Pupici!

  4. Ne rugam pentru tatal tau sa fie bine in continuare! Ma bucur ca esti asa puternica si sper sa va puteti bucura impreuna cand vor veni ai tai. Multa sanatate din partea noastra!

  5. Oh, ce sperietura. Imi pare foarte rau de ce citesc si o sa il/va am in rugaciuni sa se faca repede cat mai curand.


October Birthday!

Ella turns 12!!!!! Lots of milestones: graduated from Primary, moved into Young Women's, got her temple recommend. She is such an a...