Sunday, July 24, 2011

Weekend happenings

We had a pretty relaxed, laid back weekend. My kind! Needed a break, for sure. As much as we love having friends over, I have to admit that preparations sometimes tend to take a toll on our otherwise free time. So this weekend, we stayed home, just us and got to do some of the things we love: swim, splash, rock climb, work out, eat, sleep in, go to church, and just hang out together.

Washed the cars.

Rocked climbed.

Did some back-to-school shopping:

(Our little kindergartner is all ready now... I think!)

Practised swimming. Happy to report that after watching a couple of folks swim effortlessly in the outdoor pool at the gym, I conclude: it can be done!! Ha-ha! Seriously, both Hrishi and I were almost staring at those folks from underneath our sunglasses in hopes somehow their breathing/swimming skills would rub off! :) After watching them swim a few laps, I jumped into the lane next to them and tried. And it was not all that bad (I only swallowed a couple of mouth fulls of water while turning my head (mouth open) back in the water! DUH!) It just takes lots of practice and staring (just kidding)!!

Helped mommy prepare the lesson visuals for nursery:
(Thank you so much, sweetie! You did an excellent job!)

And while she was picking the colors, she said something that almost made my jaw drop:  "Mommy, we don't know how Moses or Noah were dressed, these colors are fantasy but the stories are not!" Can't really tell how happy this made me! To hear my baby's testimony that the scripture stories were true and not fantasy! It humbled me at the same time. 

Cuddled with daddy. (I just love these two so much!)

Did some more drawing (Angelina Ballerina.)

Summer is quickly slipping away. So glad it's been so full and fun. I love the hot and sunny days and with living in Texas, we can sure hope to enjoy another good two or three more months of great weather.


  1. Cristina, nici nu stiu in ce alt fel sa-ti mai spun ca ai o familie superba. Imi place mult sa-ti citesc blogul sa vad ce ati mai facut:) Mi-a placut in mod special postul despre "commitments." Initial am evitat sa-l citesc pentru ca in ultimele cateva zile am ajuns la concluzia ca trebuie sa schimb ceva in viata mea, ceva ce cere un angajament de o suta la suta din partea mea. Am evitat sa-ti citesc postul pentru ca nu eram gata sa-mi iau acel angajament chiar daca stiam ca e unica solutie. In seara asta am gasit intamplator cuvantarea Presedintelui Utchdorf pe si imediat mi-am amintit de postul tau. In final, mi-am luat angajamentul care ar fi trebuit luat cu mult mai inainte si am vrut sa stii ca am fost inspirata si de tine in luarea acestei decizii. Multumesc!

  2. We all need this kind of weekend to relax and enjoy our time together as a family.
    I loved Ella's sweet testimony! She's amazing!
    And you have no idea how much I admire you for learning how to swim!!! I am terrified! I keep on telling myself that one day I'll do it, and that day keeps on getting postponed.... I love playing in the water though as long as it's not too deep.:)


October Birthday!

Ella turns 12!!!!! Lots of milestones: graduated from Primary, moved into Young Women's, got her temple recommend. She is such an a...