Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Art collection

That's what I'm in constant need of organizing and storing: Ella's art collection made up of tons of drawings, glue-on's, cut-outs, etc. etc. I still haven't found the ideal way of displaying and then storing these but for now, taking pictures of them and posting them on the blog so they can make the print when I publish our yearly book/history will have to do. I just love the sense of pride and joy Ella gets when we recognize her creations and post them around the house. Last night after school she picked up a huge folder with her art and went through it like through a treasure, recalling what they all were and when she made them. And I want to save them because it'll be so fun to go through them in a few years.

(One of the cards is so funny: it says "I love You Mom or Dad.") And the one that says "Courage = Brave, Going to the Docter!" is so cool!

I know some folks frame some of their kids' masterpieces and replace them with new ones as they come out. That'd be fun. I just need to get some neat frames and get to work.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE her art! She's so talented! Good luck in organizing all of them. I'm so far behind with ours...:-)


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