How do you feel when you wake up after only getting one or two hours of sleep the night before because of this yucky cold, and you've got a whole day of work ahead of you, and (here's where it gets really good!) you walk into a spic-and-span kitchen? I say you feel LUCKY! Then you turn around to look for the eggplant that you roasted the night before with a daring plan to make it into a salad before you went to bed that night but didn't... and you don't find it! Why? Because it's already cleaned-up and refrigerated! And the dishwasher has been emptied, and the laundry has been folded...! I say you feel super LUCKY! Super dupper lucky to have such a great husband who somehow managed to get it all done for you before he left town for work. Thank you honey for being such a wonderful husband! We miss you so much every time you travel, even if it's only for a few days at a time, and are always so happy to welcome you back!
And I'm lucky to also have this wonderful daughter who makes my heart leap with joy and pride (well, you know, the good kind of pride, the happy-parent pride :)) Yesterday, the performance class results were posted on the "Wall of Fame" inside the music school and we had the pleasant surprise of finding out that Ella got and "I+" (the highest grade they award) for her performance and a couple of nice comments from the Mrs. Boukadoum.
I just want to eat her all up, those sweet sparkly eyes, huge smile, chubby cheeks, all of it!
And I'm lucky to also have this wonderful daughter who makes my heart leap with joy and pride (well, you know, the good kind of pride, the happy-parent pride :)) Yesterday, the performance class results were posted on the "Wall of Fame" inside the music school and we had the pleasant surprise of finding out that Ella got and "I+" (the highest grade they award) for her performance and a couple of nice comments from the Mrs. Boukadoum.
I just want to eat her all up, those sweet sparkly eyes, huge smile, chubby cheeks, all of it!
I work for hugs and kisses and a round of golf every other week and every week when you have the Super Lucky feeling :)