Thursday, February 24, 2011

Spring joy!

I love Spring! It's hard not to like this wonderful season of complete and majestic nature rebirth (only of course, if you have terrible allergies but we'll leave that aside for now.) And since we live in TX, we are fortunate to "see" Spring sneaking in.... even in our garage... like this:

We parked our beautiful azaleea plant in our garage hoping to protect it from the winter cold and freeze. Well, not only it survived but it thrived! This is huge since we have not been able to get another azaleea plant to bloom a second time. I was ecstatic to this beautiful discovery a couple of days back! I don't know why, but plants and flowers in particular touch me in a very special way and although I have not yet dedicated myself to gardening  (at least not to the scale that I'm dreaming up in my head), I take every opportunity I get to tend to plants... I even saved one once from what seemed to be the inevitable:

More plants/flowers at our former Omaha home ...(I go crazy for that lush green grass back there!!!)


And how could I pass this one up? (She was mesmerized by "Goffer", her pet frog. This is from two years ago.)


  1. Ce post frumos! Si eu abia astept primavara! Aici ninge din nou azi, si maine si duminica...
    Imi place tare mult cat de verde e iarba voastra!!!

  2. Merci Ioana, da asa era iarba in Omaha, vara! Aici e putin diferit, e un alt fel nu asa de deasa dar vremea e mai buna in general! :) Sper "sa plece" iarna/zapada de la voi curand!

  3. Ah, ce frumoase flori. La voi vine primavara mai repede cred. Ce frumos! Eu m-am saturat de iarna.

  4. Si eu vreu flori! Dar cred ca incurand se va incalzi si aicea. Foarte frumoase sunt toate pozele tale.


October Birthday!

Ella turns 12!!!!! Lots of milestones: graduated from Primary, moved into Young Women's, got her temple recommend. She is such an a...