Our Family Home Evening (FHE) lesson last night was about money. Is money good? What are we supposed to do with it? Spend it, save it, share it? Just some of the questions we answered with scriptures, stories, and role playing. We enjoyed it! This must have been one of the best FHE we've had in a while. This time around again I received the sweet testimony of how inspired and precious the counsel to have family home evening is. It brings us closer together and it's an excellent teaching tool not only for Ella but for us adults too. What made me think money for our topic: Ella started learning about coin denominations at school and she is learning to count pennies, nickles, dimes, and quarters so I thought it'd be a neat opportunity to learn about the value of money beyond the counting aspect. We're excited to teach her the principles of tithing and saving. She was very cute last night as after so many tries (using leading questions) to get her to say that if she got $10, she'd spend only a portion of it and save the rest, she would still answer unwaverlingly that if she had $10 she'd spend $5 on a Merry-go-round ride and the rest on candy or a soft toy. It was really funny!
Now for the random portion of this post: we're having a heck of a time getting her to wake up in the morning. She for "some reason" wants to sleep in on weekdays and has already started making up excuses for not wanting to go to school (she's "coughing", she has a runny nose, it's too cold outside, or it's snowing??) So funny but challenging too as we're already a bit late (ok, not a bit more like 20 mins late) getting in to work as it is. She also got her first haircut since we landed in Coppell, really cute! Love it! (I'm just so happy that she's over the "I want long hair" thing!) and love your eyes, baby!
Valentine's Hair (or ear?)-do (by Ella). Valentine is Ella's all time favorite soft toy/puppy
She's adorable. Love her shiny hair and her eyes. I like your FHE ideas. Dacian also makes excuses, not for school yet but for everything else. Also when he's a naughty boy I ask him why he did that and he says: "because I'm a good boy" Don't quite know why he says that, maybe he means but I want to be good. Kids are funny.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the sweet comments Maddy! Ce scump e Daci, making excuses for everything si apoi spunand ca "este un baietel cuminte!", I'm just amazed how their personalities unfold daily right before our eyes. Kids are funny indeed! :) Te pup si sper sa vorbim curand la tel. Mai scrie pe blogul tau!