Thursday, October 28, 2010

Gearing up for Halloween and others...

We are yet to carve our pumpkins and get some more candy but we do have a Spook-tacular concert planned for Sunday after church at the Dallas Symphony. They'll have instruments petting zoo, trick-or-treating, and costume contest before the concert, hope this will be a good introduction to classical music in a concert hall for Ella. I know I'm looking forward to it. We actually got a family subscription for 3 or 4 concerts. I'm just so excited and I just hope Ella will like going just as much as Hrishi and I do. But before Sunday, we have a Halloween Costume Parade at Primrose and someone is so very excited about it! That someone was so sweet the other day, she asked me if she could take cookies to school for her to share with her friends. Since they don't allow homemade foods/treats into the school, we got the frozen Pillsbury Seasonal sugar cookies, of course with a Halloween theme and she was over the moon for being able to bring something that all her friends will enjoy (of course, she was able to eat those too as they didn't have dairy.) Another sweet thing about this is that as she realized two of her teachers from last year whom she dearly loves, Ms. Ashley and Ms. Brenda didn't get to taste the cookies yesterday, this morning she asked me if we could pack some for them today. So we did! I just love this wonderful sharing kid of mine!

So things have been great lately, they just have. Or maybe my outlook on life and everything has improved dramatically, I have a ton more energy and spring in my step and is mostly because "mommy has started doing something for herself", as Hrishi put it this morning. He is right-- I've gotten serious about my fitness and I've been working out 5 days a week at the gym. I never thought I'd enjoy this but I do madly. These past three weeks have been just eye-opening.  Didn't realize I can do so much of something I've never done before, like lifting weights or doing functional training. My new trainer's exercises and motivation have already worked wonders. I'm so grateful for that. I didn't realize getting fitter and stronger can have such an amazing effect on one's well-being. Getting physically stronger has improved my mental and spiritual well-being. I just don't feel overwhelmed anymore! Wow, can this last please?!!!???!! Because I sure want it to!


  1. Wow, I can surely tell from your writing that you have more energy. :) Can you tell me what you do at the gym? I won't ever have a trainer but I would love tips on what to work out at the gym. I have such a hard time getting motivated to lose weight but I really need to, for my health. I am so afraid of getting diabetes and at this rate that's where I'm heading. So happy for you. And happy you get to go to the Symphony. Love all those, opera, ballet, theater, symphony; If I could afford it I would have memberships to all.

  2. Have fun at the concerts! I'm sure Ella will enjoy them! She's sooo sweet!
    And I'm so happy that you get to exercise! It has a gazillion benefits! I love to do it too, it's just a bit tricky with the kids. Luckily our gym has a nice daycare. If I can only get the kids to stop getting sick...

  3. Thanks girls, my dear faithful readers! :) Maddy you'll do great, you have been lean all your life so it won't be too hard to get back in shape. For me, I've never been lean so this is all so new. Check your email, just Sent you some info.

    I hear you Ioana with kids getting sick, tis' the season! They say they build immunity but who knows. So glad you like your gym daycare, it makes a world of difference, peace of mind to know they're safe and well taken care of. Va pup dulce pe amandoua! La Multi Ani de Halloween!

  4. I really liked your post too. I am just catching up. I too have decided I need to do something for myself. Graduate school has given me 30 extra pounds. The pictures posted on FB has depressed me, but Working all day will little kids, I come home and just want to hide. I don't know how you gals have done it. I think this has become the best birth control yet. Since I don't feel good about myself, I haven't gone shoppng for a man in a long time. There is a new gym opening up here and I will check it out. There isn't as much of a commitment as Gold's gym. Thanks for the postings ladies. I will check in on ya all to make sure you are still working out.


October Birthday!

Ella turns 12!!!!! Lots of milestones: graduated from Primary, moved into Young Women's, got her temple recommend. She is such an a...